Terror In The Times Of The Media
Instead of trying to understand why a majority of the citizens of the State are inclining…
Instead of trying to understand why a majority of the citizens of the State are inclining…
Returning to his hometown of Kolkata after almost two years, Arnab Ray spoke to Annesha Das…
Tabish Khair, poet, novelist and critic has written various books, including the poetry collections, Where Parallel…
“In merging Islam and terror, the current discourse does two disservices at one go – it…
Hypocrisy and double standards are the most obvious traits of our global political class and the…
The Western world, which had by now declared the ‘death of God’, found it deeply disturbing,…
Beheadings may have a long history, but the transmission and consumption of films shot exclusively for…
Seeking to regulate the Islamic practices according to a fixed notion of emancipation is derogatory and…