Puking Paani: the Khatambundh, the kangri and some deaths

The crows shouted
they knew not how to spend the leisure;
the nightingales adorned their nests,
the hay became stacks.
The nightingales hatched,
their breaths were visible.
One flight —
and the world knew the newborn.
Suddenly all shouting stopped.

From The Crows Shouted by Dina Nath Nadim [Translated by Arvind Gigoo]

Silence. Let’s roll it on.

Preliminary Data: 12.5 lakh affected families

There you are raising funds…

Preliminary official Data: Damaged 3.50 lakh structures

There you are playing occupation, occupier, occupy, occupied and then falling silent…

Initial Data: Damaged 83,000 pucca houses

There you are watching the pheran with checks on it in Haider as Hamlet grimaces…

Initial Official Data: Damaged 21, 162 kachha houses

There you are the cyber-revolutionaries burning the urls with your informed criticism and lack of ground involvement…

Official Data: Partially Damaged 1.5 lakh houses

There you are with numerous photo-ops of slow death…

Data: 10,000 milch animals perished

There you are busy pointing fingers at the nation state and the state of the nation..when you needed to move your bums and jump in…

Also the official data states that: 33,000 sheep perished

There you are seminar junkies..you theorise numbers as makeshift tents increase…

The data screams: Losses over Rs 1 lakh crore

There you are playing the victimhood or the savior depending which side and sight you are on…

Data: Almost a month after rains, residential areas are still inundated with stagnant water

There you are brewing your kahwa


the shit scared ruffled hair, dug in cheeks and the sunken eyes try to figure out what is aid and what is self-respect

who occupies the Facebook space and who faces the book

who spouts Frantz Fanon and who really knows the agony in the lines of Dina Nath Nadim

the disappeared fragrance of bakerkhani, sheermal, girda, krip, choat, teliwor, katlam, lavaas and kulcha

the bread isn’t baking

the bread isn’t breaking


Let’s shut down the bakeries.

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