Poem by Anamika Purohit


You and I

I spotted you right there, walking on a crowded platform, with a book in your hands.

You’re waiting for him.

Familiar images flash through my mind  – a tap on your shoulder, mock anger, and,


No wait, we’re thinking too far. Come back.


So. Platform. You. Book.

I want to watch you from a distance.

Your flittering gaze betrays your focus, and I try to invade the world in your mind.

A world of words.

Precarious, yet beguiling.

I want to hold you back, for I’ve lived through your mind’s world. I’ve seen it shatter. We have.


And then, all of a sudden, you look at me, no, look through me.

For, I don’t exist. Not as yet.

You have yet to be me.

And, in that minute, liminal temporality, in that yet-to, you cease to be me.

Or, you become another me, for a fleeting second.


In that liminal yet-to, we both locate flights. Possibilities.

You, of a different future.

I, of a different past.

And, for once, it is there that we be. As one unified me.

Anamika Purohit is a Junior Research Fellow at University of Mumbai, pursuing a full-time Ph.D. in English Literature.

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